Learning Center Location and Contact Info:

Blackshear Elementary School

2900 Holman St, 

Houston, TX 77004

Phone: (713) 942-1481

Foster, Texas Learning Center History

Our History:

With the support and guidance of Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and State Senator Rodney Ellis, we established the Houston Dream Center in October 2002 at the Third Ward Multi-Purpose Center. The Center relocated to Foster Elementary School in October 2007 to increase our capacity to serve more students in this low-income neighborhood experiencing high rates of crime. The Center, which is now able to accommodate 60 students between the ages of 8-13, promotes engagement in the arts, such as dance, music, and theater, has active engagement with the local universities, community-based groups and has started an initiative called the Scott Street Youth Initiative (SSYI). SSYI is an initiative where our DreamTeens are leading, collecting data within the community and developing strategies to help reduce violence and promote positive youth development in their area. In 2022, the learning center relocated to Blackshear Elementary School.

Our People:

Gloria Crandall

Gloria Crandall

Learning Center Director

Email: gcrandall@usdreamacademy.org

Gloria Crandall, an esteemed education professional and wellness advocate, serves as our Center Director at Peck Elementary School. Hailing from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Crandall enriches her role with a rich cultural heritage and diverse perspective, benefiting the Houston, Texas, community. Her dedication to education and wellness shapes her approach to leadership and community engagement, making her a respected figure in her field.

Her academic achievements include a Master's in Education from Strayer University, highlighting her commitment to continuous learning and educational excellence. In her capacity at U.S. Dream Academy, she is renowned for her outstanding ability to connect with and support families and youth, fostering a supportive and enriching educational environment and strengthening community bonds.

Dipen Bhakta

Dipen Bhakta

Co-Area Leader

Email: dbhakta@usdreamacademy.org

In 1999 Dipen and his family moved to Houston, TX, to the Third Ward neighborhood. Little did he know that the Houston Learning Center opened in his community in 2002 when he was in the 7th grade.  While a student at the University of Houston Dipen desired to become closer to the community he grew up in.  In 2008, he became a mentor for the U.S. Dream Academy that was located not far from his university. 

This started him on his journey from a volunteer mentor to leading the expansion of Dream Academy in Houston.    In 2013, after successfully mentoring for five years, Dipen was given the opportunity to be the Program Coordinator at the Learning Center at Foster Elementary School. A role he says would eventually shape his understanding of Youth Development.  With much support from his colleague and mentor, Walter Hull, Dipen took the position of Center Director in 2015. 

Leading the expansion, Dipen and his co-leader Walter have expanded from one learning center to three along with the development of a new youth-led violence reduction project called the Scott Street Youth Initiative.  Dipen focuses on high quality collaborations with various community based programs and universities across the City of Houston and implements and oversees research-based quality programming methods to support the Learning Center Directors and staff at the various sites in Houston.

Walter Hull

Walter Hull

Co-Area Leader

Email: whull@usdreamacademy.org

Over the past 13 years, Walter Hull has become a rising Social Artist, Thought Leader, and Youth Development Strategist in Houston, TX. Through his work with the U.S. Dream Academy, a national mentoring organization dedicated to improving neighborhoods that have been harmed by mass incarceration, Walter has helped shape the organization's approach to community asset building through mentoring.

As an artist, his choreography has deep roots in social justice stories in the black community that he refers to as his Village Responsibility. As Executive Director of Urban Souls Dance Company, Walter has founded the URBAN Kids and URBAN Girls Initiative that mentors youth through the art of dance. He has also created artist development workshops in Kigali, Rwanda, geared towards providing space for youth artists to develop as leaders in their communities.

Today, Walter continues his work with the U.S. Dream Academy Houston and enjoys collaborating with organizations to tell their story, support their youth voice, and facilitate mentoring training.

Our Partners:

Barrier Buster Program

Buds Meat Market

DREAM 77021

Foster Elementary School

GO Neighborhoods

Greystar Management Services, L.P.

Harris County Department of Education (HCDE) CASE for Kids 

 Harris County Precinct One STEM Education & Discovery Camp

Harris County Public Health

Hartsfield Elementary School

Houston Area Urban League

Houston Public Library

Katina Tarver, N-Force Momentum   National Association for Mental Illness (NAMI)

Neighborhood Recovery Community Development Corporation (NRCDC)

OST/South Union Health Improvement Partnership (OHIP)

Out 2 Learn

South Union Community Development Corporation

Texas Southern University, Collegiate 100

Third Ward Community Cloth Cooperative

United Way of Greater Houston   University of Houston - Central Campus, Collegiate 100

University of Houston - Downtown Campus, Natural Science Department

University of Houston – Graduate Social Work Program

University of Houston Metropolitan Volunteer Program (UH MVP)

Writers In The School (WITS)

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